Friday, May 04, 2012

Martial Arts Training in Tokyo Video Series

So, after the success of How to Defeat Dudes on youtube, I was asked by the owners of a new Tokyo social networking site called OpenConnectMe to produce another web-series about different places that people can go to train at in Tokyo.

The show is more or less for people who are just coming to the city, may or may not speak the language and don't know where they can go martial arts training. Each show showcases a different martial arts school, introduces the teacher, shows the gym itself and also shows how to get there on foot from the station.

While at first, given the number of projects Im already involved in, I was hesitant to take it on, given the fact that I would be directing and editing it myself, I thought it would make for a great learning experience and as such agreed to go for it. The first episode, (above) look absolutely forever to complete. While the filming only took one day, the editing took me forever because 1) there were so many new things I had to learn how to do and two because I needed to develop the format for it myself and do it in a way that I thought looked and sounded solid.

I was also curious to see just how I could produce something using nothing but my iPhone`s camera, and the stock iMovie software that came with my iMac. Overall, for a first episode, not bad. If I'm seriously going to do this, I need to invest in some music software and a good external MIC (dealing with the sound was tricky), but as that is only going to help my understanding of how things work behind the camera, I am cool with that. I love this stuff.

1 comment:

kacruiser said...

Thanks Chuck! This place looks awesome for a workout! Would love to join you one time!