Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Working the Runway at Tokyo Fashionista, Round 2: The Stars and Stripes Independence Day Bash

Last week, I got to take part in Tiffany Rossdale's premiere Tokyo evening event, Tokyo Fashionista, for the second time. Like last time, it was a lot of fun, and I got to meet a lot of really cool people, both backstage and in the crowd.

This time the event took place at a venue called the Icon Lounge in Shibuya, and as it was taking place right around that time, it was themed after America's 4th of July celebration. Much like last time, I was modeling motorcycle jackets by Yellowcorn, but I also got to model clothing by Good and Evil, (a new brand by Japanese DJ/Fashion Director Hiromu Uetake) and body paint art by Kenji Sato, a movie make-up artist based out of Toronto, Canada. Due to the fact that the body paint work was incredibly intricate, and it would take a few hours to put on, we had to start the evening off at FAB Academy.

Their dance troupe was also performing, and they were kind enough to let us use their facilities once the classes were over to prep for the show. As the body paint was going to be the last thing, the artist had to apply work that would not only last several hours, but withstand the several clothing changes that we would need to do for the various walks. Surprisingly, the make-up managed to stay on all night, and not come off on the clothing samples.

Modeling a jacket from Yellowcorn

Trying on the T-shirt I modeled at Fab Academy in Roppongi

Getting the Bodypaint done at FAB Academy before the show

Like most fashionista events, this one ran all night, and was filled with a wide range of solid entertainment ranging from performances by the Fab Academy's Sassy Girls to Christ Ray, a former Russian Olympic rhythmic gymnast. One of the more interesting surprises of the evening was running into my buddy Raynard, (a Tokyo tricker from Detroit who trains at a few of the same gyms I do) who was there doing a breaking performance. Unfortunately as I didnt know he was there, I only came out at the end to catch the tail end of it. The guy is really talented, and I would have loved to have caught his performance. Thats what I get for being a hermit at a party event!

Beyond the shows that I took part in, there was also shows featuring Brasis Brazilian Bikinis and Unoaerre Italian Jewelries.

 Even though the show didn't start until the wee hours of the morning (we finished it at 4am!!) the turn-out was still impressive. Such is the power of Fashionista ;) Had a great time and looking forward to the next one!

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