Saturday, January 26, 2013

How to Defeat Dudes Episode 9: Multiple Opponent Scenarios

Well folks, before anything else, let me offer my apologies for not having written anything for a minute. This past week has been one of the busiest Ive ever faced here in Japan (4 back-to-back multi-day shootings- many of which were over 20 hours in the cold) and to top it off, I was fighting a wicked fever in the process. (at worst about 40.5 C (105 F) Great for the pocketbook, not so good for the health, you know what Im sayin'?

Anyway, thankfully I somehow managed to get through it, and have locked myself in the house for the next few days to let my body recover. This means I not only get to catch up on kung fu movies (just watched "The Raid"- friggin awesome!!) but that I also get to sit down and dedicate some time to writing to all of you guys and letting you know what's going on. (Usually thats something I do while Im waiting around on set, but with the fever last week, pretty much anytime I sat down anywhere I just passed out).

Among other stuff that has been completed though are the next 5 episodes of my webshow, How to Defeat Dudes. Yosh!! I'll be releasing about a week or so on my youtube channel,, but also I'll be putting them in here if you wanna check them out there.

As with all of the shows, they are not perfect... there were a lot of things I wanted to reshoot, a ton of things I wanted to cover and discuss that I couldn't, and in general, a lot more stuff that I would have done if time and budget allowed. Such is the nature of production though. Anyway, hope you guys enjoy it!! Any questions? Just drop me a line!

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