Thursday, January 10, 2013

Ninjya-cise Intro Video

So, for those of you who remembered me posting about it earlier, the intro video for Ninjya-size (the ninjya-based exercise video I did over this summer) is finally out. Overall, looks pretty cool! The action direction was by Yuji Shimomura, and the direction was actually by Shinichi Fujita, so in effect, it was brought to you by the same direction team that brought you Death Trance. (It also utilizes a few of the same ninja stunt men!) The trick-kicks and weapons performance were by good friend, Jackie Nattapong. As for the main female video in the vid, it was my first time to work with her, but if my memory serves me, she was one of the stunt fighters in the resent bio-hazard movie. Anyway, as for the DVD itself, it is going on sale worldwide, so if you are looking for a completely different kind of way to get your exercise kicks, you may want to look into it ;) Will post more details about how and where to pick it up as I get them.

I can tell you this about it already: If you burn half as many calories doing it as I did filming it, then I think it will be more than worth your money ;)

Will write more about this project as I get more info myself! But for now, here's the vid! Check it out!

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