Tuesday, April 24, 2012

AK-69 Swag in Da Bag Music Video

Recently, I had a chance to play a small part in the music video, Swag in da bag for a Japanese rap artist called AK-69. My friend Tomy has been working as his personal bodyguard recently, and I first met AK at a birthday party held for Tomy, at Tomy's favorite club in Roppongi. As is usually the case when you meet celebrities, I couldn't really talk to him unless he spoke to me first, but in any event, I must have made a good impression on him, because when he decided to make his next video, Swag in Da Bag, he asked me to play a role it.

In the video, he wanted me to play a security guard, and asked if I knew of any other friends who could fit the role, so I called up my buddy Ricky. A strong looking Jamaican friend of mine who played a security guard along with me in Space Brothers (see us both in the trailer in black shirts at :04, and :48), and also made quite the impression talking about Jamaican women`s figures on this show (48:30). 

 In the Swag in Da Bag video, the screen splits and the side on the left portrays AK-69 falling to temptation. The picture on the right depicts him doing the right thing and sticking with the guys who helped him succeed, and the consequences of both. Interesting vid.

 As it was just a hook-up job through a friend, I did it for less than I usually would (something that is typical- at least in Tokyo's entertainment industry), but it was a fun shoot anyway. At the end of the shoot, AK personally autographed a few CDs and things, and gave them to us as thank you presents as well. Recently, I've been doing a lot of random scenes in music videos, and aside from hearing the same part of the song playing over and over and over while we are trying to capture the scene, it's always pretty entertaining. The only quam I have with this is that the only thing more frustrating than having a song stuck in your head is having only a 10 sec. segment of it repeating in your head instead. ;) Rakusho!

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