Sunday, April 22, 2012

Cast on ATARU- First Regular Role on a Japanese Drama

About 2 months ago, I was on set for the Japanese TV drama, Nozotoki wa dinner no atone, playing the same type of character I usually do (the mafia guy or bodyguard in a suit and black sunglasses) when my agent told me that there is a new drama coming out and they are casting foreigners in regular roles. He said that it's going to be quite big, and they were looking for people to play a multitude of roles, including FBI agents, mafia types, and of course the usual range of extras. He said that for once those cast in the regular roles would be considered as equal importance to the Japanese cast, we would have scripted lines to memorize (as opposed to just the usual one liner we are asked to make up ourselves if we speak) and that the shooting schedules would revolve around our schedules and not vice versa.

On the set of Nozotoki wa dinner no atone in my typical role. 

 Given how long I have been working in this industry as one of its foreign talents, personally I thought all this sounded to good to be true. I thought to myself, "If I do get into that show, it's probably just going to be doing the same thing I always do...a mafia guy, an American soldier, or a bodyguard, most likely not as a character of particular value."

 A little while after that though, Ken (my agent) called me and told me that I had passed the photo selection for the FBI role, and that he wanted me to go to the audition. He sent me a script to practice with, and from the moment, I entered the building lobby, I went into character and throughout the audition (even when I was just sitting there, and other people were auditioning, I stayed that way, trying to convey the kind of energy that an FBI agent would have. It must have worked, because I got a call back the very next day, and was told I got the part.

 The first day on set was awesome. For about 70+% of the characters I've played on Japanese TV, (soldiers aside) I've always had to wear my own clothes, which 9 times out of ten, was the black "bodyguard suit"(as seen in the pic above).  In this case though, I could rock up in my warm-ups because they already have a costume prepared. Granted, as an FBI agent, I am still in a suit, but coming on set with it already laid out for me was a great feeling nonetheless. The best part about it though, by far was just finally finally having the chance to act. ...and to be treated like a proper actor; both in front of and off camera.

When I saw the first show I was a bit disappointed because the scene had been cut so short...despite all the cool angles they took the scene from, all you can see of me is the back of my head and when I speak, an extreme close up on my mouth. (Click here to check it out- I appear at about 10:40) but thats generally the way these things go though, so no complaints. What I'm hoping is that the scene was cut that way to allude to the fact that I am a character to be revealed later. Guess I'll just have to wait and see. ;)

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