Monday, May 14, 2012

ATARU with English subtitles

For anyone outside of Japan who is interested in checking it out, a friend of mine recently found a website that allows you to not just watch both movies and dramas from all over Asia through the web, but do it with English subtitles. The site is called,, and sure enough, ATARU is on there.

For a drama to be considered successful here in Japan, it has to capture the attention of at least 13% of the viewers for that time slot and with ATARU capturing over 19% nationally on the first episode (and a respectable 16% after that) it is easily the #1 drama in Japan of the season. (Think of it as Japan's LOST or ER or something ;)

The site itself is pretty nice. Although the vids do stop to buffer from time to time, overall they run pretty well, and the quality is nice. There are ads around that you have to deal with, but hey, they have to stay in business somehow. In addition to the English subtitles, they also have an english synopsis as well. I have a feeling I will be spending much more free time (if or when I ever actually get it) on this site in the future.  ;) While all of the episodes aren't up yet, Im assuming this is just because they take time to subtitle.
Anyway, enough of my rambling on! Here is the link! Hope you enjoy the show!

*Update! For whatever reason, never posted more than the first three episodes of ATARU. You can see all 11 episodes on this page however:

Unfortunately, the page itself is all in Japanese, but it runs fast and it still has the English subtitles. 

Thus far however, Ive found this one to be the best way to watch. The subtitling is good, the whole site is in English, and the streaming is solid:


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