Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Working the Runway at Tokyo Fashionista

A pole dancer warms up the crowd at
Tokyo Fashionista
Not too long ago, I had a chance to do something I haven't done in quite sometime- walk the runway. Recently, after having a chance to correspond with Tiffany Rossdale (Tokyo's go-to party girl for event planning), she asked me to join the event as one of the runway models.

 As recently I've been experimenting with afterburn exercises as a way to slim down and build muscle, (something I will write more on later) I thought having the event on my upcoming schedule would be a great reason to buckle down and commit to seeing just how effective the training system could actually be, so I decided to go for it. It would also only be my third time doing runway in total (once back home in Michigan, and one other time here in Tokyo) so I figured it would be a great experience and a way to get some killer photos as well.

 About a week before the event, I went to the venue to meet Tiffany in person (who isn't always easy to catch as she juggles at least as many different things as I do). We worked with some of the other more experienced models on how the show would proceed, and what everyone would wear. Originally, I was asked to do both motorcycle jackets and swimwear, but as the swimwear show would be after midnight (which would mean taking a taxi back home (about $50) or staying all night, I opted to do the first show only. Thankfully, as I was asked to model the jacket shirtless, it still gave me a chance to profile the "new abs". ;)

The beautiful set of ribs I had to leave behind in order to be
on time for the show. 
 On the day of the show, during the day I was down at my buddy PJ's new house enjoying the first barbecue of the year. That made it very very difficult to tear myself away in-time to make it there in time (they JUST finished the ribs when I had to leave!!) but I was committed, so nonetheless I did what I had to.

 As for the event itself, it had a great feel to it. Tokyo Fashionista always takes place at the hippest clubs in the city, and this one- Cafe Atlantis was no exception. The event started with pole dancing performances, and once the club was packed, the first show started. Aside from the fact that it started a bit late, (The club filled out a bit later than usual) the show went off without a hitch. It was also cool because I haven't been in the club scene here for sometime and I saw not just a lot of the people I work with in the entertainment industry, but also a lot of old friends that I haven't seen in quite sometime.

 About the only downer of the whole thing was that due to the first show starting late, I ended up missing my last train. At the same time though, the designer of the jackets we were modeling was also in attendance and was cool enough to let us have what we wore...which more than made up for it 10 times over.  Chuck's first motorcycle jacket! All I need now is...uh...a motorcycle. If nothing else though, it's a great summer jacket because it's designed to let the breeze through, and given the fact that it's close-fitting, and has removable elbow, shoulder, and back-padding, it's also a great for wearing under clothes for doing stair falls stunts as well. (We were recommended to get motorcycle jackets for just that reason at stunt school). Overall, it was an awesome event, and I look forward to doing the next one!

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