Sunday, January 05, 2014

Thoughts on 2014

So we have finally crossed the threshold from 2013 to 2014, and I couldn't be more excited about it. While overall, 2013 was a good year in terms of getting things done, it was also a hard year for me physically, with a major illness and two major injuries taking up the predominance of my mental energy for most of the year. Although 2012 saw my father's sudden passing, and as such, still had it's fair share of tears, it was also the year where I was cast as a character in Japan's the biggest drama, one of the biggest movies, and internationally one of the largest (if not the largest) video games of the year, all at the same time. Going into 2013, I had a schedule that was fully booked solid in January (which was a first) and was hopeful to see the trend continue... But alas on the very first job, I contracted the EB virus infection that rocked my system, made me unable to work, and left me weak enough to have two other major injuries (my first ones) back to back.

As soon as I got the infection from that first job, I had a feeling that this would be a rough year. Not really one with major victories and successes as in 2012, but one where I would work my tail off to get the groundwork laid to have an incredible year in 2104. And it was just that.

This is included:
-Getting a new apartment even closer to the city center to cut down on commute times, that has the space for me to both work out and film at home, and also allows Mari and I to have our own separate workspaces so we can both maximize our working efficency.

- Two new income streams:
1) A contract to train the paramedics of the Tokyo Fire Department that is not just incredibly fun, meaningful and rewarding, but also keeps me gainfully employed for 4 months out of the year; thus allowing me to replenish lost savings, and catch up in any bills that may suffer while working freelance.
2) Freelance Cross-cultural Business Consulting work that fills in the gaps at those times where entertainment work is few and far between

- My Youtube channel breaking 1/2 million hits and Getting into the YouTube Studio:
This will allow me not just continue How to Defeat Dudes for free, (as well as start another show, and launch a new language based channel), but also do something that I have dreamed of for years, but had no way to pay for: formally study film production.

- Getting funding for my first film:
Getting outside funding for a feature film is hard. Getting it for a short is damn-near impossible. Especially a first-time effort. But Jorge and I have done it, and with that our action film production project is on its way.

- Starting my Taekwondo School:
By combining with the the Shinjuku Taekwondo Club, I not only picked up my own space teach in, but also a bilingual assistant instructor, and with that, our club has been growing ever since. While the Quiet Flame Dojang is still small, (about 30 members or so) it is big enough that we are in the black, and on its way as a school.

Now, as I head into 2014, I get to see many of these things come to fruition:

1) My TKD school has its first stunt fighting training session coming up in January, and it's first student to cross the line from beginner to Intermediate level with Dean's green belt test.

2) Jorge and I's short film is set to start production in March... Finally. After 5 years of preparing for it.

3) My new YouTube language channel will launch and after 8 years off struggling to make gains with it, my American English pronunciation training tool, Phat English will finally be taking shape in a major way with its own high production quality Youtube channel, and a new Japanese website, and our first sale at an international university. We also finally qualified for a trademark, with just a month left before my application period expires. (I've been trying for several years).

4) The first part of the largest entertainment project I have ever been involved in, the $70 million dollar video game I was in back in 2012, will finally be released on March 18, and with it, international interviews and things are sure to follow.

Granted, seeing as how 2013 started off on equality positive circumstances and ended up being a hard year to get through, I don't want to jinx this one...But at the same time, getting through 2013 has given me a quiet and cautious, (but still very positive) approach to 2014, and the confidence to know that no matter what happens or comes, it's not going to slow my roll. The positive energy going into this year is incredibly strong, and the fact that its actually the year of the horse-my Chinese zodiac sign- (AND that the Spartans just won the Rose Bowl on New Years Day!!!) is just more reason to feel that way. This is going to be an incredible year people. And I look forward to sharing it with all of you. :)


cocoluvsjapan said...

I feel yah about 2013, 2013 was not good for me either. However, with every bad experience cause memorable lessons that you will not repeat again. Everything always gets better! I know that 2014 is definitely your year! You always inspire me and remind me why I'm here in Japan in the first place and it's to follow my dreams! I know you're gonna be a star and you've done so much that most people could only dream in their lifetime!


cocoluvsjapan said...

*comes memorable lessons you will vow not to repeat!